Department of State, Travel.State.Gov


Solution details




Production release date is February, 2017. Leveraging ArcGIS Online and Web App Builder, INCATech is implementing responsive web mapping to the Department of State, Travel.State.Gov website by integrating with the Adobe AEM content management system. INCATech is responsible for modernization of US Department of State’s most highly trafficked family of websites, Travel.State.Gov (TSG) using the latest Web Content Management technology from Adobe. TSG is the public face of the Bureau of Consular Affairs (CA) to both American Citizens (for passports) and foreign nationals (for visas). TSG is one of DoS’ most visited, high profile websites (almost 700 million page views in 2014) and is the primary portal for passport and visa information. The site provides information on passports for Americans traveling abroad, visas for foreigners entering the U.S., travel services for American citizens overseas, adoption and abduction services, and U.S. law and policy on immigration and travel. INCATech is responsible for Program Management, Design, Development, Deployment; Operations and Maintenance; Training; and Hosting on the public internet for the Travel.State.Gov family of websites.


GIS,Information Technology,Public Administration & Policy

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