
Houseal Lavigne Associates is an award winning geodesign consulting firm specializing in all areas of community planning, economic development and urban design, with expertise in comprehensive planning, corridor planning, downtown planning, neighborhood planning, zoning, market analysis, project implementation and financing, and citizen engagement. We strive for a true collaboration of disciplines and talents, infusing all of our projects with creativity, realism, insight, and technology. Houseal Lavigne Associates provides a fresh approach to urban planning, a strong foundation in contemporary development practices, an insightful understanding of market and economic analysis, and an effective ability to conduct engaging community outreach. Our firm is able to meet the unique challenges of any planning assignment and is able to develop creative solutions that ensure compatibility between both the existing and the new, and the built and natural environments. Houseal Lavigne Associates provides services ranging from detailed economic analysis to long-term community visioning; from smaller site planning and design projects to larger regional studies; from creating exciting new transit-oriented development plans to revitalizing historic downtowns; and from shaping broad community strategies to creating context sensitive zoning regulations.



Planning - Comprehensive Plan, Downtown, Neighborhood, Corridor, Subarea, Parks & Recreation, Trail Master Planning, Land Planning, Site Planning & Design Zoning - Zoning Ordinances, Sign Regulations UDO's, Planned Unit Development Ordinances, Design Guidelines, Development Review Economics - Market Assessment, Demographic Analysis, Financial Feasibility, Fiscal Impact, Development Economics Development - Site Design, Visualizations, Submittal Coordination, Material Preparation, Public Hearing Presentations, Due Diligence Land Use & Zoning Studies, Plan Review & Evaluation, Development Feasibility, Financial Performance Analysis Geodesign - CityEngine Rules & Modeling, ArcGIS Online, 3D GIS, Story Maps, Web Maps, 3D Web Scenes, Scenario Planning, GeoPlanner, Aerial Photography Drone2Map, GIS Deployment, Custom GIS Applications Engagement - Citizen Engagement, Community Visioning, Project Websites, Online Platform, map.social, Keypad Polling, Image Preference Surveys, DIY Kits Graphics - Story Boards, Plan Maps & Visualizations, Graphic Design, Infographics, Document Design, Poster Plans, Interactive Plans

Services Provided:

Application Development, Business Case Development, Data Conversion/Migration, GIS Strategy and Planning, Implementation, Needs and Requirements, System Architecture and Design, System Integration, Training Services


Community Development,GIS,Parks & Recreation,Public Administration & Policy
