GIS Akademie GmbH

Hamburg, HH, Germany


The GIS-Akademie Gbr is a leading company in GIS training and services. We take part in the ESRI partner network since April 2017 and are offering GIS services since 1999. Our focus is standard and specialized GIS trainings, consulting, software development, data migration and drone applications. We are particularly specialized in the ArcGIS product family and therefore provide expert knowledge in its application. Besides our GIS-knowledge we offer more than 15 years of experience in several industries like environmental services, wind energy, solar energy, surveying, business mapping and marketing optimization. Our customers are public and regional authorities as well as companies from almost any industry.



The GIS-Akademie focusses on four services in the area of GIS: 1. Training We offer top grade professional trainings in almost all areas of ArcGIS. Our training options are: One to five days trainings in groups of up to 6 persons. These courses cover a variety of different ArcGIS topics. Special courses and workshops, which are individually designed to meet our customers’ needs. Three to six months trainings which cover the whole range of GIS applications. 2. Software development Our programming services are based on the ArcGIS product family in order to streamline work processes and to upgrade ArcGIS capabilities’. We provide both desktop and server application programming services. 3. Consulting Based on over 15 years of experience and more than 100 GIS projects we sucessfully worked on we offer our GIS expertise. Our staff is up to date with the latest developments of the ESRI product line and therefore we accompany our clients and help them to finish their projects with greatest success. 4. Drone services We offer professional drone services executed by experienced photogrammetric personnel. Our service includes mission planning, execution of the mission, image evaluation and production of GIS products like dems, dsms, orthophotos and 3D models.

Services Provided:

Application Development, Business Case Development, Data Conversion/Migration, Data Model & Database Design, GIS Strategy and Planning, Hosting Services, Implementation, Needs and Requirements, System Architecture and Design, System Integration, Training Services


Education,Electric & Gas,Environmental Management,GIS,Public Finance, Revenue & Accounting,Real Estate