
By Geographic Technologies Group Inc

Solution details




UtilityCityGIS provides customized leading-edge technological advancements for public works and public utilities. The power of our GIS software, combined with Esri applications, offers innovative data-driven solutions to public works and utility departments and the people they serve. Software solutions include Intranet, Internet, Esri WebAppBuilder, Collector App, Story Maps, ArcGIS Hub, Open Data Portals, Dashboards, and custom widgets. GTG also provides GIS Strategic Planning, consulting, and training services to help plan and implement any offered solution. GIS interoperability includes Enterprise Asset Management, Work Management System, Outage Management System, Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition, Customer Information Systems, Pavement Management, and Document Management Systems.


Electric & Gas,Public Works,Water Resources,Water, Wastewater & Stormwater

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