Low Distortion Projection (LDP) Design

By Geodetic Analysis LLC

Solution details




Low Distortion Projection (LDP) Design is a simple, automated online solution for design of projected coordinate systems that minimize linear distortion – the difference between projected (map grid) distance and true “ground” distance. LDPs are conformal map projections intended to cover the largest area with the least linear distortion possible. These goals are at odds with one another, so LDP development can be a complex optimization problem. LDP Design facilitates solving this problem by providing an intuitive map-centric interface for creating LDPs in the Cloud and seeing design performance in real time. The intent is to efficiently and rigorously solve the classic “grid-to-ground” problem in surveying and engineering. Coordinate systems that directly represent conditions “at ground” are useful for a variety of geospatial products and services. This includes direct use of high-accuracy survey data in GIS (such as boundary survey plats, engineering plans, and as-built surveys) and installations where GIS supports infrastructure construction, operation, and maintenance (such as roads, pipelines, canals, and utilities). In addition to designing new coordinate systems, LDP Design can also be used to analyze existing systems, display distortion, and export distortion rasters and LDP coordinate system definitions. The solution includes a registry (with map interface) for existing LDPs, detailed descriptions of LDPs, how the solution works, a “getting started” guide, and FAQs.


Architecture, Engineering & Construction

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