ArcGIS Online Basic Start Up Service Packages

By Geodata Services, Inc.

Solution details




Basic Start Up ($2,000 for 10 hours of consulting and 10 hours of training) Advanced Start Up ($5,000 for 20 hours of consulting and 30 hours of training) Designed to introduce clients to ArcGIS Online features, site maintenance and administration and explain how to implement best practices and techniques. We jump start and guide organizations in setting up and maintaining their own ArcGIS for Organizations subscription and site, analyze their GIS layers and optimize them to create a solid, sustainable base of web maps and applications. Instruction on administering and maintaining their site, designing their map galleries and tracking usage. Lessons on primary mapping tools to use with ArcGIS online including Esri Excel toolbar, ArcGIS Online Viewer and ArcGIS Explorer Enhance existing GIS data with a selection of the most important data layers for local governments, including business locations, soil characteristics, demographic, and economic data loaded into your own neighborhood layers Demonstration of typical local government web mapping applications such as rural addressing, emergency services, transportation, weed mapping, economic development, and planning applications Training on GIS data analysis using ArcGIS online, customizing map symbol, working with data tables and creating story maps Techniques to share maps with the public and get online feedback on public infrastructure needs Techniques to integrate ArcGIS online into typical local government GIS operations



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