Since 1980, ENPLAN has maintained a leading standard of excellence in the provision of environmental service and information products. The company is based in Redding, California, and has the proven ability to consistently meet or exceed clients' needs as one of the region's most trusted providers. Public agency clients include federal, state, county, and city governments as well as community services, resource conservation, mosquito abatement, and school districts. Industry clients include organizations specializing in land development, real estate, energy production, mining, recreation, engineering, surveying, land planning, and site design. ENPLAN uses the ESRI ArcGIS suite of products and applies geospatial information technologies to municipal management, resource impact evaluation, and development planning processes. As developers of geographic information system (GIS) technologies and products, the company brings end user knowledge and experience to bear on the design and implementation of such systems as well as the development of base data products for clients. The company's production team includes geographers, land surveyors, aerial photographers, and remote-sensing specialists as well as CAD and GIS technicians. ENPLAN has established a robust geospatial database with coverage throughout Northern California. High-resolution digital orthoimagery and LiDAR digital elevation data are continuously being developed for growing areas.