Ground Truthed Natural Resource Data

By Ecobot

Solution details




Ecobot is the platform for ground truthed natural resource and biodiversity data. With over 136,072 environmental regulatory reports completed and more than 5 million biodiversity data points, Ecobot can anonymize and aggregate ground truth data at scale. Ecobot Collector ensures normalized data collection allowing aggregated data to be anonymized at the HUC8 level. This allows for scaled analyses and, coupled with AI-driven predictive modeling, can produce a better understanding of potential ecosystem, biodiversity, and climate impacts. Combined, Ecobot sets the foundation for improved land use, management, and conservation across the country. Specifically, Ecobot can provide ground truthed: - Wetland and stream data - Qualitative and quantitative vegetation data - Subsurface soil data - Surface and subsurface hydrology data - Landform shape and slope


Environmental Management,GIS,Map, Chart & Data Production

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