Solution details
Cogsdale leverages ESRI's ArcGIS Online platform to extend service order and work order functionality to the field. The Cogsdale solution is integrated with ArcGIS Online hosted feature services and ESRI's field collection apps to support seamless workflows from the office to the field and back. Better service for customers is the goal of all utility organizations. This may be achieved through faster turnaround on high priority repairs, more accurate scheduling of activities or more efficient deployment of field personnel – or all of the above. Cogsdale Mobile Work is dedicated to improving the efficiency and effectiveness of field operations though better communication and instant access to the latest data. Immediate access to the latest updates and information for both office staff and field crews be it the status of service orders, meter readings, personnel time sheets, or project inventory lists. Live access for any device running Android or iOS at the jobsite from the Cogsdale solution at the office. Improve time tracking for field personnel by allowing time to be charged to individual projects as the associated service orders are completed. Track inventory and equipment on the go as field staff assign inventory to projects as they work through the installation or repair task. Web-based toolset – Mobile Work is implemented as a browser-based client to run on hand-held devices. Integration with Service Orders and Scheduling – Mobile Work uses employee and service order template configurations from the Cogsdale solution. No separate setup is required. High priority service orders are highlighted and automatically moved to the top of the list, immediately visible to field staff. Meter reads may be entered from the field. Users can also verify previous reads as well as customer/meter information. Once entry is complete, it is available for billing and processing.
Electric & Gas,Water, Wastewater & Stormwater