Widgets for Esri Web AppBuilder

By CHA Integrated Solutions

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CHA Integrated Solutions’ (CHA) offers a variety of widgets, utilizing Esri’s Web AppBuilder, to simplify tasks associated with obtaining information about assets. There's no code to write, just point and click simplicity! Widgets are database agnostic and have a low learning curve. Current widgets: *StationNav widget allows users to pinpoint a location on a pipeline route by station, measure, Latitude/Longitude, or X/Y coordinates in web applications built using Esri’s Web AppBuilder. This simple point-and-click methodology allows users to quickly choose a route from a drop down list or by selecting a line on a map, and from there, use this widget to review key details and study event information critical to improving business decisions. *HierarchyNav widget is a flexible tool and easy to adopt into your existing Esri environment. It allows users to easily search or navigate through the pipeline hierarchy for one or more routes. The HierarchyNav widget can then display the route(s) visually in the map window and in the pipeline hierarchy. Users can drill down through the selected system all the way to an individual line or can locate and highlight an entire subsystem. If only one route is selected, you can also activate the route so that other compatible CHA widgets (such as the StationNav or PipeInfo widgets) can work with it. *PipeInfo widget is an easy to use tool, integrated into Esri’s Web AppBuilder. It allows users to see details about pipeline features in a web map. This tool allows the GIS Editor to pull specific data from the system of record and share this information across departments in a view-only mode to support better decision making across the organization. Viewers can display pipeline events and features in a single tab or multi tab mode and can easily turn on and off filters and customize views. For more information please contact us for a demo (ISInfo@chacompanies.com) or view further information on our website, https://cha-is.chacompanies.com/.


Electric & Gas,Petroleum,Pipeline

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