Solution details
Roadway and Site Design software using ESRI's ArcGIS® or ArcView® GIS software to provide surveying, COGO, deed writing, contouring, traverse adjustments, stakeout, road design, earthwork, tax mapping and site modeling directly from within ArcGIS® all versions • No third party software • No passing of data from various packages in and out of ArcGIS® (this pertains to all CEDRA AVseries software). Some additional features include: automatic lot subdivision in accordance with local zoning regulations, interactively design horizontal & vertical alignments and automatically station them, design typical road sections and extract cross sections & profiles, generation of pavement ribbons, ROW, plan & profiles. Includes CEDRA AVcad™, CEDRA DataEditor™ and CEDRA DxfExport™.
Architecture, Engineering & Construction,GIS,Highways & Roads,Land Records,Public Engineering,Public Works