advangeo® erosion

By Beak Consultants GmbH

Solution details




The extension advangeo® erosion was developed for advangeo® prediction software to calculate erosion caused geohazards. It offers automatic derivation of the various parameters of the elevation model. Soil parameters, land use or geological parameters can be automatically generated from existing grids and shapefiles. The workflow is always easy to understand for each step of data processing, starting with the import of source data and up to the creation of model input data. For the following influencing factors processing tools are provided: DEM: Automatic creation of necessary derivatives (e.g. slope, aspect, curvature, flow direction, flow length, flow accumulation) and their scaling Soil: Calculation of the fine and coarse fractions of the soil material on the basis of a given soil map (e.g. BKKonz) Land use: Creation of binary data sets by classifying an existing land use map. It is possible to combine several types of land use into one class. Geology: Creation of interpolated maps of the dip angle and strike direction of foliation/ bedding/ faulting of geological bodies by using point data.


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