Streetmap-This street map includes highway-level data for the world and street-level data for the United States, Canada, Japan, southern Africa, and a number of countries in Europe and elsewhere.
Satellite Imagery-This map presents satellite imagery for the world and high-resolution (1m or better) imagery for the United States, Great Britain, and other areas around the world.
Topographic Map-This map includes administrative boundaries, cities, water features, physiographic features, parks, landmarks, highways, roads, railways, airports, and buildings overlaid on land cover and shaded relief imagery for added context.
Open Street Map (OSM)-OpenStreetMap is a free editable street map of the whole world. OpenStreetMap allows you to view, edit and use geographical data in a collaborative way from anywhere around the world.
Conflict/At Risk Areas: Conflict and At Risk Areas in the Horn of Africa are provided by FEWS (Famine Early Warning System) and define countries that are in high risk of famine and are potentially experiencing conflict thereby limiting NGO and aid access.
Population density: Population Density for Africa in 2000 (Fourth Edition) published 2004-10-06 by UNEP/GRID Sioux Falls, SD, USA and made available on by Andy Nelson, University of Leeds (Nelson, Andy, 2004. African Population Database Documentation, UNEP GRID Sioux Falls. Retrieved 1/27/2011 from UNEP/GRID Sioux Falls.) Data has a spatial resolution of 2.5 km.
YouTube Videos: The videos are added to the application using the YouTube API. The YouTube data API allows you to request videos given a latitude and longitude position along with a search radius and keywords. From here we parse the response from YouTube and use the coordinates with each returned record to draw the point and incorporate the results into the ArcGIS API for JavaScript InfoWindow.
Tweets: The Twitter API is used to identify tweets that match a specified query and area. In this case, only the tweets that return a coordinate value within the current visible map extent are added to the map. The Twitter API sends the results of the query back to the application as JSON which is easily incorporated into the ArcGIS API for JavaScript.
Flickr: The Flickr API is used to identify Flickr photos that match search terms and a collection of other parameters identified in the Flickr API help pages. The Flickr API sends the results of the query back to the application as JSON which is easily incorporated into the ArcGIS API for JavaScript.
NGOs: The Bettermap project aims to provide an geographical overview of global NGO activities by gradually mapping NGO facilities and the connected infrastructure around the globe. The Bettermap Project is built upon the Ushahidi platform and is added to this map by pulling the data directly from the Ushahidi instance. The Ushahidi Platform allows anyone to gather distributed data via SMS, e-mail or web and visualize it on a map or timeline. The feed aggregates information from the public for use in crisis response.