everything we do involves geographic information. Geography touches our
lives in so many ways, we may not consciously think about the power geography
has in our lives. Geographic information systems (GISs) let you harness
the power of geography and integrate GIS with other technologies to save
lives through improved emergency response or improve the quality of life
by creating more livable cities. Using the power of geography helps businesses
find the best locations, target their best customers, and deliver goods
and services efficiently. Whether protecting the environment or designing
and managing infrastructure, GIS helps promote a better future for all
of us.
Tell us how your organization
has used the power of geography. Send us ideas for stories about your
use of GIS to solve problems more quickly, provide services not previously
possible, cut costs, or improve the efficiency of operations. Story ideas
can be E-mailed to arcuser_editor@esri.com,
faxed to 909-307-3051, or mailed to
ArcUser Editor
380 New York St.
Redlands, CA 92373-8100 USA