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ArcExplorer Extension Supports WMS and WFS

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The ArcExplorer—Java Edition Interoperability extension can write feature layers as GML documents.

At the 26th Annual GITA Conference in San Antonio, Texas, March 3-6, 2003, Esri participated in the OGC Interoperability Showcase and demonstrated how clients can easily access multiple Web sites that adhere to the OGC Web services specifications using the new ArcExplorer—Java Edition Interoperability extension. The extension supports Web Map Services (WMS) and Web Feature Services (WFS). ArcExplorer—Java Edition is a lightweight GIS data viewer. With the Interoperability extension, ArcExplorer—Java Edition can also write out any feature layer as a Geography Markup Language (GML) document and add those GML documents to its view. ArcExplorer and the Interoperability extension are available at no cost and can be downloaded at

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