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Winter 2012 Edition

Now on the Android Platform

Free ArcGIS for Android app and ArcGIS Runtime SDK for Android

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Access data and mapping capabilities on Android smartphones with the ArcGIS for Android application. ArcGIS for Android lets users find and share maps as well as deploy GIS data and functionality on Android devices. The free app can be downloaded directly from Android Market.

ArcGIS for Android is a native application that serves as a mobile gateway into the ArcGIS system. It provides an intuitive user experience for querying map layers and data and editing features and attribute information on the fly in the field. ArcGIS for Android includes a layer list, Favorites feature, and tool for measuring area and distance.

ArcGIS for Android is built on Esri's ArcGIS Runtime Software Development Kit (SDK) for Android. This SDK lets developers create custom spatially enabled applications for Android devices and is designed to use web services available from ArcGIS for Server and ArcGIS Online. Apps built using ArcGIS Runtime SDK can be deployed within the enterprise or to the public via Android Market.

ArcGIS Runtime SDK for Android lets developers build applications that utilize the powerful mapping, geocoding, geoprocessing, and custom capabilities provided by ArcGIS for Server using Java and deploy them to Android devices.

The SDK includes a plug-in to Eclipse, an integrated development environment (IDE) that provides a rich set of tools, documentation, and samples to help developers create great Android mapping applications.

Send inquiries regarding the SDK to

Read "New Information Channel: Android App gets evacuation information to residents" to learn about an emergency response app developed by the City and County of Honolulu.
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