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Winter 2012 Edition

Community Analyst on Your Desktop

Integrate data and reports using the add-in

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Incorporate data and reports from Community Analyst without leaving ArcMap.

Incorporate data and reports from Community Analyst without leaving ArcMap.

The Community Analyst Add-in lets ArcGIS for Desktop users incorporate data and reports available from Community Analyst directly without leaving ArcMap. Community Analyst, Esri's Software as a Service (SaaS) mapping solution, provides thousands of demographic, health, economic, education, and business data variables, combined with instant reports and interactive color-coded maps, and can help evaluate community needs, plan for growth, and allocate resources. With the Community Analyst Add-in, users can generate reports for features created in ArcGIS for Desktop and access the latest data from Esri and append it to feature attributes in ArcGIS.

Demographic and Income Profile

Demographic and Income Profile

Get started right now by downloading, installing, and activating the free add-in for ArcGIS for Desktop. A free 30-day trial of the Community Analyst Add-in is available to ArcGIS for Desktop users. After the trial expires, users can purchase an annual subscription.

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