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A History of Success
Numerous GIS projects benefit Sacramento

The City of Sacramento, California, has a mature GIS program that has been in place since the early 1990s. GIS technology, applications, and data are widely used in all city departments and in many partner agencies in the Sacramento region. Many high-profile projects involving GIS have brought GIS awareness to city staff and the public. A few examples include 911/CAD/RMS (record management software) integration for public safety, the master address system, regional GIS, infrastructure management, solid waste routing, and emergency operations support. Accurate GIS data and systems support many critical business functions at the city and in the region.

Founded in 1849, the city of Sacramento has a population of approximately 450,000 and covers approximately 100 square miles. It is the cultural, educational, business, and governmental center of a four-county metropolitan region. The Sacramento region's economy is among the strongest in California.

The city uses a full range of Esri software to support the city's business functions. Currently, ArcSDE is used to manage all enterprise GIS datasets. ArcPad running on Panasonic Toughbooks and Trimble GeoXT GPS units are used to collect and update GIS information in the field. ArcIMS is used to deliver published asset data, Web maps, and services to Infor EAM users to find and locate work orders.

The Traffic Signs and Markings Division also uses an ArcSDE transactional (read/write) environment to create disconnected versions of data for use in the field and ArcSDE replica and synchronization functions to check data in and out of the transactional ArcSDE and transfer data from the transactional ArcSDE to a publication ArcSDE (read only). The published data is then used by the Infor EAM system through the use of enterprise GIS Web services.

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