Alan Flood
Alan Flood, sewer planner, Water and Sewer Planning, Jacksonville Electric Authority, Jacksonville, Florida, had his picture snapped in front of a Nazarene Church near the village of Aldea Pichec, outside the town of Rabinal, Guatemala. He was there with members of his church to build a relationship between Christian congregations thousands of miles apart and to help build a larger church for a growing congregation. He tells us that he bought the Esri T-shirt just for the trip.
Gustavo Roman
Gustavo Roman, GIS coordinator, city of Bryan, Texas, and his wife, Johanna, recently visited an unspoiled southern Pacific coastal area of Nicaragua near the small fishing village of Huehuete in Carazo Province about 30 minutes from the nearest real town. Naturally, they got their priorities right and brought along their Esri T-shirts.
David Adler
David Adlera developer with the IBM Spatial Database Technology DB2 Spatial Extender team who offices out of Woodstock, New Yorkand his daughter, Amelia, dropped everything after last year's Esri International User Conference and spent two weeks in Guatemala and Honduras. This photo was taken in front of one of the stelae at the Copan ruins in Honduras. Note the considerably useful Esri tote bag as well as the colorful Esri T-shirt.
Check out more Esri T-Shirt pictures in the new expanded section below.