ArcNews Online

Spring 2009

URISA 2009—Providing Solutions to Challenges

URISAURISA's 47th Annual Conference & Exposition is heading to Anaheim, California, September 29�October 2, 2009. The Conference Committee has focused the event on "Providing Solutions to Challenges" to answer the demands brought about by today's economy and the continuous pressure to do more with less.

The conference will be energized by the addition of presentations in these unconventional formats:

  • Quick Hit Sessions—Following the Pecha Kucha method with a maximum of 7 minutes and 20 slides, these sessions will offer many topics in concise time frames.
  • Interactive Sessions—Collaborative problem solving and knowledge sharing will be the focus of these sessions.
  • Solution Sessions—Working sessions will be organized on such topics as tailoring data- sharing agreements for your needs and standard geospatial contract verbiage to ensure proper deliverables. The collective knowledge within the URISA community will enable you to develop working solutions to your challenges.

The program will be organized on the following topics:

  • GIS for Best-Managed Communities
  • GIS for Growing Communities
  • GIS for Safe Communities
  • GIS for Educated Communities
  • GIS for Healthy Communities
  • Professional Development and GIS Leadership
  • Vendor Tracks

2009 is certainly not a time for business as usual, and URISA invites your attendance in Anaheim to work through the challenges with your fellow GIS professionals.

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