Esri's Internet mapping technologies add geographic data and analysis to a multitude of applications that serve organizations and communities in a variety of ways. See links to these and other Web sites powered by Esri technology at To be included, send a description of your mapping site and the URL to
Water Quality Assessments—Idaho
The Surface Water interactive mapping application is a collection of GIS layers and Web-enabled tools that enables users to select watersheds and view the results of Idaho's Department of Environmental Quality effort to monitor and assess stream water quality in Idaho. The data in this application is used for reporting to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and others in compliance with reports of the federal Clean Water Act. This Web site uses ArcIMS and ArcSDE–Microsoft SQL.
Linn County PV.Web Public
PV.Web Public is an ArcIMS application developed for accessing land information. It offers database browse and query functions for cadastre and other geographic and attribute information. This online mapping application enables users to gather a wealth of Linn County geographic information and select from available map layers to customize their own maps. The PV.Web Public interface opens to a map view with two sets of visible controls, and some controls will bring a submenu for users to input information and submit to the server for reprocessing.