Esri Business Partners Assist Public Works and Community Development
Many public works and community development agencies use Esri GIS software to assist in their daily routines and to streamline Business practices. For these agencies, many Esri Business Partners offer custom solutions, specialized data, and unique services.
For more information on Esri Business Partners or joining our Business partner program, please visit www.esri.com/partners.
Azteca Systems
Azteca System's flagship product, Cityworks, is a GIS-based asset and maintenance management tool for public works. Cityworks core functionality is built as an extension to ArcView GIS, with additional tools that meet specific needs. Cityworks contains a detailed asset inventory for sewer, water, stormwater, streets, signs, traffic, and parking. Cityworks also supports the ability to create service requests, work orders, inspections, tests, work tasks, resource tracking, custom data fields, reporting, and much more.
For more information, please call 801-523-2751 or visit www.azteca.com.
CartéGraph Systems, Inc.
MAPdirector for ArcView GIS
CartéGraph Systems, Inc., is a leading developer of software dedicated to the collection, management, and analysis of asset data for the public works market. CartéGraph software allows for the development of detailed databases of asset information that includes historical data, features, inspections, images, locations, reports, and work activities for signs, signals, roads, bridges, pavement markings, and sewer and water systems. CartéGraph's MAPdirector for ArcView GIS application links the collected asset data to ArcView GIS, allowing CartéGraph asset databases to be displayed and queried within ArcView.
For more information, please call 1-800-688-2656 or visit www.cartegraph.com.
Des Lauriers Municipal Solutions, Inc.
Des Lauriers Municipal Solutions, Inc., has combined its software development, GIS, and land survey experience to develop GeoTMS. GeoTMS is a user-friendly Windows-based product that integrates database applications, GIS, imaging, CAD viewing, and redlining into one networked solution. GeoTMS is a complete land management software package that will enable the client to perform all related activities including plan review, fee calculations, zoning review, inspection, administration, certificate issuing, and electronic processing and tracking of information such as applications, permits, and licenses. MapObjects software is utilized for building the GIS components directly into GeoTMS.
For more information, please call 508-520-0502 or visit www.GeoTMS.com.
Govern Software, Inc.
Govern for Windows
Govern Software provides a fully integrated suite of land-related modules and comprehensive services integrated with ArcView GIS. Govern Software has worked with local governments to create Govern for Windows, an enterprisewide land management software comprised of modules such as Permitting, Inspections, Licensing, Complaint Tracking, Planning, Special Assessment, Mass Appraisal, Tax Assessment, Utility Billing, and Accounts Receivables and Cash Collection.
For more information, please call 800-561-8168 or visit www.governsoftware.com.
Geographic Information Services, Inc.
Map Book Generator and Zoning Analyst
Geographic Information Services, Inc. (G/I/S), provides GIS system design, on-site support, and application development. G/I/S offers both commercial off-the-shelf solutions and custom local government applications. G/I/S' Map Book Generator is an ArcView GIS extension that creates customized map books from an ArcView GIS project file. G/I/S' Zoning Analyst is an ArcView GIS extension that provides comprehensive tools for land use and zoning analysis. Zoning Analyst can assist any planning department with complex zoning issues as well as support the basic functions of the planning office—providing public information, processing cases, generating public notification letters, and producing maps.
For more information, please call 205-941-0442 or visit www.gis-services.com.
Hansen Information Technologies
Hansen Version 7.5
Hansen Information Technologies is a leading provider of enterprisewide resource management solutions for state and local governments worldwide. Hansen's Version 7.5 offers a single integrated solution to manage today's complex array of government transactions and assets for government agencies of any size. Hansen has all of the tools to integrate seamlessly with an ArcView GIS environment and to provide a true graphical user interface for end users. Hansen's Version 7.5 solutions include Customer Service/Call Center, Utility/Asset Management, Licensing, Billing/CIS, Permits, Tax Assessment, and Transportation.
For more information, please call 916-921-0883 or visit www.hansen.com.
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