Alaska, California, Maine, Mexico, and Switzerland—Esri T-Shirts Rule the Mountains (and Other Vistas)!

Jason Warzinik Jason Warzinik, GIS specialist for Waupaca County, Wisconsin, wears his T-shirt in front of the site of the world's largest 20th century volcanic eruption. The eruption began on June 6, 1912, and continued for about 60 hours. Twenty-five cubic kilometers of air-fall tephra and 15 cubic kilometers of ash-flow tuff erupted from Novarupta Caldera, located 10 kilometers west of Mount Katmai on the Alaska peninsula opposite Kodiak Island. The eruption was nearly 30 times larger than the 1980 eruption of Mount Saint Helens.

Mike Jenkins and Sonia Southwell stop Mount Whitney Sonia Southwell, senior planner and GIS coordinator, and Mike Jenkins, GIS specialist, City of Lakewood, California, at the top of Mount Whitney, California, on August 7, 1999. They did the hike the week after attending the Esri User Conference in San Diego. If the hats seem familiar, that's because they picked them up at the Thursday night party inspired by Esri India.

Probst Martin Probst Martin of GEOLine in Gumligen, Switzerland, in the Swiss Alps. He's so proud of his 1999 T-shirt that he just had to share.

Dale K. Dodson Dale K. Dodson, geographer for the U.S. Army Topographic Engineering Center in Alexandria, Virginia, poses for us in Cabo San Lucas, Mexico, at the bottom of the Baja peninsula with the flags from Japan, Mexico, the United States, and Canada as a backdrop. He wants us to realize that he traveled 2,400 miles to get there.

Greg, Ric Skinner, and Carrie

Ric Skinner
Ric Skinner, research scientist/GIS coordinator for the New Jersey Department of Health and Senior Services, Cancer Epidemiology Services, and cochair of the Second International Health Geographics Conference (March 17–19, 2000, Washington, D.C.) and his kids, Greg (age 17) and Carrie (age 15), on a windjammer cruise in Penobscot Bay, Gulf of Maine. The cruise was six days on the J & E Riggin, a reconditioned 120-foot Chesapeake Bay oyster dragger originally built in 1927 and now outfitted for commercial passenger cruises. It is a national historical landmark captained by Jon Finger and his wife, Anne Mahle. Skinner says, "Describing the cruise as awesome is really an understatement! We'd all do it again in a heartbeat. Just the lobster bake on a deserted island was worth the trip."

Wear an Esri T-shirt in a unique location. Send a photograph to Thomas K. Miller, ArcNews editor, ArcNews T-Shirt Feature, Esri, 380 New York St., Redlands, CA 92373-8100, USA. For T-shirt purchasing within the United States, contact Customer Service (tel.: 909-793-2853, ext. 1-1130; fax: 909-793-4801; e-mail: For T-shirt purchasing outside the United States, contact your local Esri distributor. For information on this feature, contact Thomas K. Miller (tel.: 909-793-2853; E-mail:

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