무료 온라인 평가를 통해 도시가 ArcGIS Hub로 커뮤니티에 참여하는 방식을 전환하기 위한 첫 단계를 내딛을 준비가 되었는지 파악해보세요. 이 현장조사는 도시의 공간 정보 및 운영 성숙도를 파악하며 연결된 스마트시티로의 여정을 위한 다음 단계를 보여줍니다.

Take this simple assessment and find out.

1. What issues does your city organization care about?

  • Select One
  • Issues? What issues?
  • I can only think of one major issue.
  • We have many issues: Homelessness, traffic, etc.

2. Do you have IT resources to tackle issues?

  • Select One
  • Not enough IT resources.
  • Limited resources, inconsistently used.
  • Looking for ways to maximize budget and manpower.

3. Do you have a change agent or GIS manager when you start projects?

  • Select One
  • Not sure.
  • GIS Manager is involved but overworked.
  • Never start a project without a change agent.

4. Do you know if your community is satisfied or not at any time?

  • Select One
  • No way to find out accurately.
  • Non-digital feedback, with low participation.
  • Online feedback, but can improve participation.

5. How proactive or reactive is your city with issues?

  • Select One
  • Barely keeping up with the day-to-day.
  • Mostly on top of issues that come up.
  • Ready to react to issues, and building our readiness.

6. Are you using open data?

  • Select One
  • Open data is there but unused.
  • Occasionally use open data.
  • We use open data, but want to use it more.

7. How do you scale operations?

  • Select One
  • No time or money to consider this.
  • Ask for budget and cross our fingers.
  • Plan and budget in place to tackle key IT asks.

Take your city's Hub readiness to the next level

Fill in this form and find out how you can change your city's resources to become a safer, smarter city of the future with ArcGIS Hub.

Thank You for Taking the Self-Assessment

You've taken the first step to transforming your city. We hope the self-assessment was useful in helping you understand what your city can do — now, and in the near future — to make it a more safe, livable, and sustainable place for your community. ArcGIS Hub is the framework you need to build responsive government and civic engagement.

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