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Creating Competitive Advantage with Location-Aware Processes

The latest Retail Systems Research report highlights the importance of location intelligence

A map being by retailers to gain location intelligence

Increase efficiency, resiliency, and business success with location intelligence

To be successful in today’s market, retailers need the ability to understand what’s happening in and around their businesses in real time. This enables them to react quickly to changes that affect their business outcomes. Since its founding in 2007, Retail Systems Research (RSR) has been helping businesses identify the tools that provide the data-driven insights—and in more recent years, the location intelligence—needed to increase success in the retail industry.

In this report, you will learn about the progress retailers have made in 2021 to infuse operational processes with location intelligence. Discover the challenges that retailers anticipate facing as the world emerges from a pandemic and why location intelligence will be key to understanding risk, creating sustainable business practices, and increasing operational efficiency.

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