Satellite imagery of a large body of water overlaid with a heat map and a nearby continent

Geospatial Enablement Program for Maritime Agencies

A discounted program with software, training, and content for national maritime and hydrographic agencies

Aerial view of a colorful container ship in rippling blue water, overlaid with a contour map and a small image of two ship crewmembers working together over a tabletop map

Modernize maritime data management

Geography is an essential element to maritime operations. To ensure the safety of life at sea and the success of any country’s blue economy, it is crucial to have accurate and up-to-date hydrographic data. This requires modern geographic information system (GIS) technology. 

ArcGIS is a secure and scalable platform that supports all phases of maritime data management, from production of official nautical charts to effective coastal zone management and blue economy initiatives.

Supporting maritime and hydrography operations


What’s included

With the program, maritime agencies are provided access to tools, apps, and services to help them further implement a location-based strategy that supports advanced hydrographic and maritime initiatives.



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Contact Esri

If you are interested in finding out if you and your organization qualify, fill out the form to reach one of Esri’s representatives for more information.