Esri Legal

Services Terms of Use

Esri Professional Services

Esri provides professional services including consulting, programming, and database services under one of the following contracts, as applicable.

  • Professional Services Agreement [PDF] (G363CT)
  • Master Services Agreement [PDF] (E204SVCS)
    This agreement is used for either time and materials efforts that exceed $50,000; project work to be performed on a firm, fixed-price basis; or situations where the parties intend to work on more than one project together (whether time and materials or fixed price).

Esri Services Packages

Esri Services Packages are comprised of predefined, multi-day services engagements at a fixed, all-inclusive price.

Advantage Programs

The Esri Enterprise Advantage Program (EEAP) and Business Partner Advantage Program (BPAP) components include technical advisory and GIS strategy consulting, system development and maintenance, learning and service credits, and much more.