Esri Legal

Data Attributions and Terms of Use

The following terms supplement and amend Esri's licensing terms of use for the data identified below that Esri provides for use in conjunction with its software and online services.

Environics Data: Customers may use the data for non-commercial purposes or internal use only and may redistribute hardcopy or softcopy images of the data, reports, images and analysis for personal or internal use only.

Esri Demographics Data ( Except as permitted elsewhere in this Agreement, only Customer’s Named User who originally consumed the Esri Demographics Data (e.g. Esri Demographics data available in ArcGIS Online through web maps, map layers, map services, the Geoenrichment Service, and other Products) may access, manipulate, or otherwise use Esri Demographics Data. ArcGIS Developer Subscription Named User applications must have an active connection to the Geoenrichment Service in order to consume Esri Demographics Data and may not store or cache the data. Customer may not publicly provide representations of Esri Demographics Data in a manner that would enable a third party to scrape, compile, or enhance their own set of data or information with Esri Demographics Data. To acquire additional rights in Esri Demographics Data, contact Esri Data Sales ( for pricing.

Michael Bauer Research International Boundaries Data ("MBR Data"): Customer right to use data downloaded to the Customer's premises (e.g. MBR Data stored in ArcGIS Enterprise, ArcGIS Desktop) terminates two years after download.

HERE Street Data: For attribution and third-party flow-down requirements.

BODC Bathymetry Data

Redistribution Rights: Data delivered as part of ArcGIS Data and Maps.

Esri Geocoding Address Acknowledgements [PDF]

ArcGIS World Geocoding Service: When using the ArcGIS World Geocoding Services, customer may have access to and view Canadian Postal Codes. Dates of data provided shall update periodically.

"This ArcGIS World Geocoding Service contains Postal CodeOM Data copied under license from Canada Post Corporation. The Canada Post Corporation file from which this data was copied is dated April 2024."

"ArcGIS World Geocoding Service contient des données qui ont été reproduites avec l'autorisation de la Société canadienne des postes. Le fichier de la Société canadienne des postes d'où proviennent ces données est daté du Avril 2024."

ArcGIS Places: Esri uses place data—also known as points of interest or POI data—provided by Foursquare to create global ArcGIS Places datasets for more than 170 countries.

Place or POI data supplied by Foursquare includes information about commercial and non-commercial businesses, public and private buildings, community services, parks, and other sites. The level of detail available varies by country.

Esri's global ArcGIS Places data sourced from data supplied by Foursquare is available through licensed ArcGIS products and services. See the Introduction to ArcGIS Places topic for details.

© 2024 Foursquare Labs, Inc. All rights reserved. Licensed under the Apache License. Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at Unless required by applicable law or agreed in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.