Data-Driven Urban Design

Planning software built for collaboration

A 3D city map shows green, red, and yellow buildings overlaid with a dashboard of development project performance.

Plan with precision

As cities consider the bigger picture in community planning, designs are increasingly expected to be spatially and scientifically complex. To keep pace, firms can deploy new technologies that support dynamic, measured design processes from the start.

ArcGIS Urban is a web-based 3D experience that improves urban planning and decision making. With a mix of modeling technology, you can integrate the process of designing, updating, monitoring, and publishing across all domains of spatial planning as well as building and infrastructure projects. Capture intelligence from disciplines such as architecture, urban planning, and structural and civil engineering and maintain a common operational view for all stakeholders—from the earliest sketches to approval and beyond. 

Empower your planning team

Update your planning process with quick access to the GIS data you need to inform zoning and land use plans. Then, engage directly with stakeholders in a shareable, interactive web-based platform.


Sketch and optimize build out scenarios

Build out planning scenarios with 3D modeling directly in the web browser. Lay out a vision for any parcel, district, or neighborhood starting with a sketch. Then, further refine your designs with the help of interactive snapping and drawing guides.

A color-coded 3D building model is manipulated to show how to sketch and refine building size and layout.

Streamline design evaluation with dashboards

Real-time dashboards are a fundamental capability used to instantly calculate the impact of a build-out over time. Custom metrics enable you to calculate yield, estimate costs, and summarize value across your scenarios.

A cursor clicks to toggle between space use and value estimate views of a 3D building model.

Test land-use and zoning code changes

Working in the browser, you can compare current land-use with the proposed changes. By testing zoning proposals, such as rezoning or zoning variances, you can better evaluate short and long-term impacts to the community.

A 3D model changes shape as a set of parameters like height, setback, and skyplane is changed to its left.

Suitability modeling

Overlay and weight themes related to population change, economic growth, residual zoning allowances, and other factors as a basis for understanding market conditions and site suitability. 

A land parcel map calculates site suitability score based on lot sizes, building heights, and building ages.

Perform interactive spatial analysis

Simplify the review planning scenarios by simulating the impact of shadow duration and viewshed. You can also create sectioned views of the model to reveal internal structures allowing you to measure the height and width of objects and buildings. Data, plus quantitative analysis, plus spatial analysis, equals a more informed approach to plan review.

A 3D map of a building complex shows how the buildings cast shadows on the surrounding area.

Transform urban planning and design

Encourage collaboration with stakeholders and help all groups work towards a more sustainable future.

ArcGIS Urban

ArcGIS Urban extends ArcGIS Online to enable web-based scenario planning and urban design capabilities.

  • Comprehensive plans
  • Specific plans
  • Development review
  • Urban design and visualization
  • Campus and facility master plans
  • Site feasibility modeling

ArcGIS Urban also integrates across ArcGIS CityEngine and ArcGIS Hub to deliver more digital solution products and experiences.

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