Damage Assessment
Helps you determine initial damage assessments, monitor disaster impact, and create damage reports to brief stakeholders and the public.
Help communities rehabilitate landscapes and recover after a wildfire
After a wildfire, it's essential to assess damage and stabilize environments. Using GIS, agencies can evaluate damage and clear debris, analyze burn severity to identify high-risk areas for postfire flooding and landslides, plan stabilization efforts, and determine long-term environmental restoration actions.
After a wildland fire, it's important for firefighters, government leaders, utility company staff, and others to assess the extent of the damage. Using mobile devices to collect data and pictures of destroyed residences, infrastructure, and associated debris, staff can map, inventory, and communicate damage in real time.
Burn severity is an assessment of how much heat a fire transferred into the ground. High burn severities with intense fires can leave areas at an increased risk of erosion, leading to flooding, debris flows, and landslides. Using GIS, fire staff can determine burn severity to target the high-priority areas for rehabilitation and stabilization efforts.
Postwildfire rehabilitation and stabilization efforts require long-term management, as recovery for burned areas can take decades. By mapping and monitoring soil and vegetation changes with GIS, fire managers can develop and modify recovery plans and manage these efforts in the long term for greater resilience.
case study
Direct Relief chose ArcGIS Insights for data analysis and population tracking during the 2018 Camp Fire in California's Butte County.
ArcGIS Tutorial
Calculate a burn index using imagery bands to measure fires in Montana.
ArcGIS Tutorial
Use distributed raster analysis to analyze burn severity, slope, and land cover.
Helps you determine initial damage assessments, monitor disaster impact, and create damage reports to brief stakeholders and the public.
Helps you expedite initial debris clearance, assess debris removal needs, and monitor debris removal activities.
Used to evaluate and understand environmental impacts of proposed development projects and solicit feedback from stakeholders.