Esri Water GIS Heroes

Multiple portraits of Water GIS Heroes with a navy blue map in the background

Esri water GIS heroes inspire

Each quarter, the Esri water team will highlight a GIS hero from the Esri water community. These heroes are leaders within the GIS community and true GIS champions. As proven problem solvers, they have gained deep respect from colleagues. Their genuine love of GIS inspires others to imagine how GIS can help them achieve their own ambitious goals. Join us in celebrating these industry leaders who are making a difference every day.

Emily McBroom | Mustang Special Utility District

Emily pioneered the transition from paper to a digital map for Mustang's facilities and infrastructure. She has been instrumental in creating GIS applications that track and improve operational efficiency for all Mustang employees. 

Her GIS trackers help the district monitor capital improvement planning, development reviews, and visually organize where infrastructure repairs and inspections have been completed. Emily often assists with special projects—her latest is mapping revised board member districts, which will be used for future elections.

Emily McBroom smiling and wearing a striped blouse and a beige blazer overlaid on a purple and blue background

Clint Dickerson | Mustang Special Utility District

Clint is responsible for capturing field data for infrastructure and ensuring that it is accurately displayed with GIS technology. 

Previously a meter technician, his knowledge of infrastructure and the relationships he’s built with field staff help him coordinate with different inspectors, construction crews, and operations staff to ensure infrastructure maps are up to date. Clint led the initiative to digitize and upload as-built infrastructure plans into a GIS, giving staff the ability to view plans in the field and access the information they need without delays. 

Clint Dickerson smiling and wearing a plaid dress shirt overlaid on a purple and blue background

Past GIS heroes

  • Mark Rees smiling and wearing a gray collared shirt overlaid on a purple and blue background
    GIS Hero Spring 2024

    Mark Rees | City of Wentzville

    GIS Analyst

    Mark leads Wentzville's Water Division mapping team, where he uses ArcGIS and Python to boost efficiency and get real-time data updates.
  • Thomas Matich wearing business attire and smiling overlaid on a blue and purple background
    GIS Hero Winter 2023

    Thomas Matich | Delaware Rural Water Association

    Training Specialist

    Thomas advised organizations on how to integrate GIS into their operational processes to comply with the Safe Drinking Water Act.
  • John Nolte smiling and wearing a suit and tie overlaid on a blue and purple graphic background
    GIS hero Fall 2023

    John Nolte | Denver Water

    GIS Manager

    John oversaw an effort to inventory service lines throughout Denver Water’s service area, which streamlined the utility’s Lead Reduction Program.
  • Sean Quarnstrom smiling and wearing a jacket overlaid on a blue and purple graphic background
    GIS hero Fall 2023

    Sean Quarnstrom | HMRD

    Senior Engineer

    Under Sean’s guidance, Henry Miller Reclamation District (HMRD) developed and implemented a variety of GIS workflows that saved valuable time.
  • Josh Rhamy smiling and wearing a suit and tie overlaid on a blue and purple graphic background

    Josh Rhamy | American States Utility Services

    GIS Manager

    Josh is the driving force behind advancing the enterprise geospatial program at American States Utility Services.

Who's the next Esri water GIS hero?

Tell us about someone you know who uses GIS to create innovative solutions and inspire others.