Current Community Planning

Yellow street map with purple, green, and red shading, two people walking and a child in a stroller

Planners find themselves immersed in the many daily challenges facing local government and need advanced tools and solutions to solve them. Today, counter-urbanization, open streets, curbside management, and micromobility are some of the new concerns that planning professionals must address. GIS technology adds the element of location into each of these workflows, modifying outdated manual processes and making sense of vast amounts of information. Tasks like public notification and land-use inquiries can be automated. Data from staff in the field can be standardized. Web applications can use comprehensive data to visualize, measure, and analyze proposed developments. 


Esri's planning system provides the tools urban, community, and regional planners need to employ human-centric design; meet their deadlines; and make data-driven, sustainable, and justifiable decisions. 

Analyze proposed development

Provide GIS visualization and analysis in 2D and 3D in a secure web environment to empower urban and regional planning department staff. Planners can review line of sight and shadow impact, analyze the effect of proposed zoning and land-use changes, and ensure data-driven decision-making.

3D rendering with some buildings shaded blue


The role of GIS in today's planning department

Track and evaluate current planning projects. Instilling confidence in decision-makers, developers, and citizens is imperative.

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