Citizen Engagement

Two people walking with a dog, a dark map with yellow area and blue lines

Planners and residents rely on each other to meet the community's needs and shape its future. What occurs in a community is inherently geographically personal; everyone who lives in a place cares about that place. Transparency is not enough. Esri's GIS planning system provides an opportunity to elevate how planners think about, and take action on, civic engagement and inclusion. GIS can help answer questions such as "Where are people voicing concerns? What neighborhoods are at risk of falling behind? How can a connected resident act as a sensor to help governments better understand their neighborhoods? Mapping, spatial analytics, and focused citizen engagement tools provide the ability for planners to cultivate a partnership with their residents.

Inform the public about priority initiatives

Use ArcGIS to deliver maps, apps, and other content related to planning initiatives that meet residents' expectations. Provide a foundation that establishes a genuine partnership between the public and planning professionals.

Development projects map


Improved transparency in the City of Cibolo

Cibolo, Texas, uses GIS to tell the public about new businesses, road construction projects, stormwater drainage, and how to access site plans.

Read the case study

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