
Gain a real-time view of your transit operations

Your customers demand current information. To deliver the best experience, it's essential to monitor and control your transit operations in real time. ArcGIS provides the tools to manage assets in real time, allowing you to make adjustments to maintain schedules, respond to unforeseen events, and supply this information to other systems. GIS brings the spatial dimension to your real-time information for actionable intelligence. Use GIS to get a comprehensive, real-time view of transit operations. Improve operational performance, quickly communicate changes with the public, and strengthen situational awareness.

Situational awareness

An overall system view of your operations is critical to effective performance. ArcGIS allows you to unite data from many sources into a single operational view, so you can take greater control of your operations.

User Story

Transforming Metro with GIS

The Washington Metropolitan Transit Authority (Metro) improved asset and maintenance management, rider experience, and more with GIS technology.

Read the user story

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