Advanced Telecom Analytics

Turn data into critical business intelligence

A map of the Eastern United States broadband infrastructure hot spots, and two people standing on a street looking at a tablet

Deliver comprehensive insight and understanding

Examining raw data through the lens of location opens the door to greater insights, more meaningful visualization, and increased collaboration between users. The ArcGIS system provides business intelligence for telecommunications industries, with instant access to many forms of critical data, telecom analytics, and outstanding presentation and engagement capabilities.

Visualization and exploration

Esri's ArcGIS models show real-time operations and interpret big data. They process telecom analytics, market Net Promoter Score (NPS), and network capacity planning while displaying performance indicators in a visually appealing manner.

A dashboard showing real time operations of broadband in the United States

Pattern recognition

ArcGIS enables simplified site suitability analysis, market growth evaluation, and network capacity planning. It determines spatial relationships between locations and aids in intelligent CapEx and OpEx planning decisions.

A map showing pattern recognition of best spots for broadband and low coverage areas

Understand and communicate

Perform site suitability analysis, manage field and maintenance operations, conduct network capacity planning, and deliver visual understanding of telecom analytics. ArcGIS shares results directly, delivering real-time comprehension and insights throughout an organization.

A pie chart, map, and bar graph of a weekly competitive threat report


Turkcell predicts customer demand

Turkcell forecasts next 10 years of growth by leveraging machine learning tools.

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