The task of achieving sustainable development is the most complex and difficult work the world has experienced.
Take a geographic approach to ensure no one is left behind
The United Nations (UN) 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, and the 17 SDGs, are a global call to action in support of people, the planet, prosperity, and peace.
GIS technology provides a powerful way to collaborate and understand the social, economic, and environmental dimensions of each goal. Apply a geographic approach to identify common ground and speed collective action.
Gain a location-based understanding of the factors that influence development goals to effectively target action within communities.
Location is key to understanding SDG indicators. With ArcGIS, you can integrate administrative, census, and demographic data from business systems, tabular sources, and earth observations. Support accurate data collection in any environment to ensure data is current for analysis and reporting.
ArcGIS uses spatial data science to examine and analyze SDG indicator data in relation to geographic location. With this insight, you can do more than map where things are. You can understand patterns and trends that help focus your efforts on the right locations.
Using GIS to provide maps and data organized around the SDGs gives stakeholders transparency and guarantees that everyone has the most current insight on progress toward goals. This reduces duplication and ensures limited resources are applied to locations that can make the greatest impact for people and the planet.
Accomplish your community’s goals with GIS resources and tools you need to localize the Global Goals.
The Sustainable Development Goals solution delivers a set of capabilities that help you share SDG progress, encourage community engagement, and combat misinformation.
ArcGIS Living Atlas of the World is the foremost collection of geographic information from around the globe. It includes maps, apps, and data layers to support your work.
Whether you’re brand-new to ArcGIS or a seasoned GIS professional who wants to master the latest technology, Esri courses and resources can help you achieve your goals.
Get support for Esri software installation, licensing, and configuration as well as support for the Sustainable Development Goals solution.
The task of achieving sustainable development is the most complex and difficult work the world has experienced.
Achieving the UN Global Goals will require everyone working together as partners. Our work to foster global partnerships for sustainable development is part of a longstanding commitment to using science and technology to build a sustainable world.
The Alliance brings GIS technology and capabilities to developing nations to accelerate progress toward the SDGs.
SDSN mobilizes global scientific and technological expertise to promote practical solutions for sustainable development.
Fill out the form and an Esri expert will contact you to talk about how you can use GIS to achieve your sustainability goals.