Planning and Assessment

New projects require a smart plan

A green and yellow map of the United States, a person in business attire working on a tablet

Streamline resource assessment and site planning

Quicken the solar and wind energy planning and assessment process by leveraging a geographic approach through ArcGIS technology. Take advantage of ready-to-use online resource assessment data, interactive modeling, and analysis and visualization capabilities to build site-specific project plans. Manage multiple projects through mobile apps and real-time decision-support dashboards.


Integrating GIS to renewable energy

Suitability analysis

Assemble all the required data to conduct an appropriate solar and wind energy assessment and develop a prospective site plan in a common geographic system. Online data, analysis, modeling, and 3D visualization are integral assessment tools that help inform the site suitability process, allowing you to manage multiple projects and share plans efficiently with stakeholders.

A green and yellow map of the United States, a person in business attire working on a tablet


Kentucky maps prime renewable energy sites

Kentucky's new platform uses a variety of essential criteria to direct developers to optimal solar power sites.

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