Acquire and manage
Use ArcGIS technology to collect and store the vast amounts of data your project requires efficiently and effectively.
Esri User Conference | July 14–18, 2025 | San Diego Convention Center | San Diego, California
Instructor-led and self-paced options help individuals apply best practices and quickly learn ArcGIS software. Esri training consultants provide complimentary planning services to identify the options that will best meet an organization's immediate, short-term, and long-term workforce training needs.
Explore resources for business professionals and connect with industry experts.
GIS is enabling new energy production by identifying sites of maximum energy potential and optimized economic development while minimizing environmental impact.
Unite all the information you need, from design to construction, and efficiently operate wind energy facilities safely.
GIS is applied across the solar energy business, from mapping energy potential to using commercial analytics and engaging with stakeholders.
Important GIS-supported workflows include determining prime locations to implement geothermal technologies, finding potential markets, and deciding on the required infrastructure.
GIS energy modeling is used heavily in hydrogen infrastructure, demand, market, and resource analysis. GIS enables you to consider several multivariate scenarios to produce optimal business strategies.