Portfolio Management

Access insights about all your assets, anywhere, on any device

A city map in dark red and white, beside a small photo of a city skyline with skyscrapers mirroring a sunrise under a bright blue sky

Supercharge property management with GIS

Using thousands of global datasets, investors and property managers can quickly understand how their real estate investments are performing across town or around the world. Quickly access precise local data about all your real estate assets, on any device, anywhere, anytime. Access information on occupancy, building maintenance, property valuation, and more.

Portfolio management capabilities

Manage investment portfolios in real time

Property managers rely on precise local knowledge about their assets across geographies. ArcGIS maps and dashboards help managers see—in real-time—relevant data that can affect properties. Streamline investment management with access to all relevant data about every asset in your portfolio, on any device, anywhere.

Improve property management
Graphic of a computer monitor displaying a concentration map of the U.S. with clusters shown in yellow and orange

Case study

KBC Advisors automates data integration

The full-service advisory firm implemented ArcGIS Data Pipelines, which optimized asset tracking and showcased the value of connecting systems.

Read the case study

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