Managing Special Event Operations

Plan and monitor event operations in real time

Special event site map and photo of event safety staff member looking out over a crowd

A comprehensive special event management solution

Special events, such as sporting events, outdoor concerts, festivals, parades, and planned demonstrations, play a significant role in local economies and attract participants from outside the community. Public safety agency staff can use the Special Event Operations solution to plan, prepare, and promote special events within the community as well as manage operations during an event to protect participants and attendees.

Manage events

Effective event planning starts with collecting essential information about an event. Manage multiple events in one application that provides context of past events, details on upcoming events, and the ability to create maps and applications for new events.

Pasadena Fire staff sitting at tables with phones, walkie talkies, and computers

Prepare site plans

An event site map provides a common reference for planning, operating, and promoting each event. Create or update a map of the event with the location of event routes; event areas such as restricted parking or staging areas; and assets such as first aid stations, security gates, restrooms, and food tents.

Person looking at two computer monitors with a special event operations map and special event site map

Develop operations plans

Incident action plans are developed to mitigate potential threats and ensure a safe and secure event. Public safety event planners can create operations maps of resources and conduct a high-level threat analysis. The operations map complements an incident action plan and leverages information provided in the event site map.

Person holding a tablet and looking at two people seated at desktop computers

Monitor health and safety operations

The Special Events Operations solution provides a complete set of capabilities that improve the efficiency and effectiveness of public safety personnel working at special events. It provides them with tools to capture information from the field and share real-time data with commanders in a synthesized operational picture.

Police officer on a motorcycle near a group of people on bicycles

Conduct after-action briefings

Public safety staff often conduct an after-action briefing to review activities, incidents, and responses. After-action briefings provide an opportunity to learn from previous events and improve planning and operation procedures. The Special Event After Action application within the Special Event Operations solution creates a new time-animated visual medium to enhance the review process.

Three firefighters looking at a large screen with a map on it

Special Event Operations solution

Develop safety plans and monitor public safety operations during special events.

Go to the solution
Public safety staff member looking at smart phone in his hand

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