Technology and Innovation

Drive digital transformation with GIS

A heat map in vivid reds and oranges and a small photo of a white drone flying in a clear blue sky

Digital technologies and trends are transforming the way we live, work, and interact. During this transformation, petroleum company leaders are researching, developing, and deploying technologies that help provide more efficient and cleaner energy in a changing energy ecosystem. For the petroleum industry, digital transformation is driving cost efficiencies, enabling safer operations, providing new revenue opportunities, changing business models, and helping to redefine the industry. 

GIS enables oil and gas industry innovation

Digital transformation

Location data—the "where" factor—is especially valuable for businesses and organizations today. In an era when people are connecting billions of data-producing products, assets, buildings, and devices to the internet, each with a unique location, there is a growing need to use location intelligence technology to discover hidden value in oil and gas data.

Graphic of a cell tower beside a glowing green afterimage on a background of a blue grid of hexagons


BP shares eight lessons on digital transformation

To become a digital energy company, BP overhauled its location intelligence capabilities. Modernizing its GIS platform was key to the transition.

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Products for technology and innovation


Related industries and resources

Geographic data and analytics are often common across industries. Explore how other industries and initiatives are applying Esri technology to solve complex problems. Leverage their innovation and ideas to help drive new solutions in support of the technology and innovation segment.

Dark blue background

Digital Twin

Digital twins abstract and model everything to improve business processes, reduce risk, optimize operational efficiencies, and enhance decision-making. Discover relationships that provide greater context when solving business challenges and predicting outcomes.

Explore Digital Twin

Machine Learning and AI

Use machine learning and artificial intelligence (AI) to train and inference using tools designed to solve the complex spatial problems you face. Use location data as the connective thread to reveal hidden patterns, improve predictive modeling, and create a competitive edge.

Explore Machine Learning

Operational Efficiency

Business leaders can use location intelligence to quickly manage and streamline hundreds of projects. Smart maps, analysis, and dashboards give real-time views of multiple locations and help identify business processes that need improvement.

Explore Operational Efficiency

Esri New Delhi R&D Center

At the Esri R&D Center—New Delhi, GIS professionals focus on advancing enterprise GIS and infusing it with artificial intelligence (AI). We are applying AI and deep learning to revolutionize geospatial analysis and solve some of the world's biggest challenges. with transportation solutions for operational efficiency.

More on the R&D Center

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