Spatial analysis and data science
Leverage the power of spatial analysis and data science on demand and at scale to find patterns, improve predictive modeling, and gain an edge.
Produce clean, smart energy with GIS
The long-term need for cleaner energy is evident. Climate change isn't going away. Distributed and renewable power sources, such as wind, solar, hydrogen, geothermal, and battery storage, support the need for greater economic and social resilience. GIS can help leaders understand energy potential, drive site selection, improve operational performance, and optimize energy transmission systems to change the way companies leverage renewable resources.
GIS allows you to add all influencing factors to your wind energy projects: wind energy potential, land use, population density, distance to road, slope, biodiversity, regulatory requirements, and distance to transmission lines. Unite all the information you need to design, build, and efficiently and safely operate wind energy facilities.
GIS applies across the solar energy business, from mapping energy potential to commercial analytics. Leverage GIS to understand opportunities; drive site selection; and support the design, visualization, and public engagement processes. Use GIS to bring your projects to life and engage with various stakeholders.
GIS modeling is used heavily in hydrogen infrastructure, demand, market, and resource analysis. From looking at hydrogen potential from renewable energy sources to infrastructure and consumer demand, GIS enables you to consider several multivariate scenarios to produce optimal business strategies.
Energy leaders use GIS in locating and developing renewable, geothermal resources. Important GIS-supported workflows include determining prime locations to implement geothermal technologies, potential markets, and the required infrastructure. GIS enables exploration workflows to locate resources, make site selections, drive public engagement, and create visualizations as well as optimize efficiency of operations.
Learn how an exploration and production (E&P) company can pivot from a hydrocarbon commodity business to a renewable energy-derived business.
Advanced analytics helps staff assess everything from ocean depth and road networks to return on investment as they grow renewable energy portfolios.
Hydrogen could meet nearly a quarter of the world's energy needs by 2050, but producing green hydrogen must become more cost-efficient.
Keith Aubin from Enel Green Power demonstrates how real-time data and automation processes increase efficiency and reduce error.
Aegean Energy uses ArcGIS Insights to streamline data input, analysis, and reporting, giving stakeholders visibility into project details.
Malcolm Ross of Eavor Technologies Inc discusses how geothermal technology is reducing the barriers and challenges to entry.
Leverage the power of spatial analysis and data science on demand and at scale to find patterns, improve predictive modeling, and gain an edge.
Unlock new insights with analysis software that fuses location analytics with open data science and business intelligence workflows.
ArcGIS Enterprise is the complete software system for all your geospatial needs—make maps, analyze geospatial data, and share results.
Geographic data and analytics are often common across industries. Explore how other industries and initiatives are applying Esri technology to solve complex problems. Leverage their innovation and ideas to help drive new solutions in support of the renewables segment.
Digitally transform natural resources management for greater sustainability. Use advanced spatial analytics to uncover trends, improve understanding, and inform decision-making.
Esri ArcGIS equips you to better plan, execute, and report on sustainable development in any situation. Achieve goals faster with a scientifically grounded system that precisely measures growth and provides the tools to share progress with the community.
GIS supports real-time observations to monitor natural areas, leading to insights and understanding. Grounded in the fabric of geography, conservation GIS enables improved understanding of the complex web of threats, opportunities, and challenges facing our natural world.
GIS is transforming AEC firms through improved workflows, better collaboration, and strategic partnerships. This effort leads to building smart communities and assets for the future. Add location to design to understand projects in context and deliver repeatable solutions.