Field Data Collection and Operations

Adopt modern workflows, boost data accuracy, save time and money

A map of a coastal city with buildings shaded in different colors, overlaid with a photo of a person using a laptop as they stand on a city sidewalk

Field data collection, or enumeration, is one of the largest activities a statistical organization will undertake. It is critical today to optimize efficiency in field activities. Whether you are interested in improving coordination, reducing reliance on paper, eliminating redundancies, or creating efficiencies, ArcGIS can help. 

Configure the field applications you need

Reduce errors and boost productivity

Esri provides tools to help you manage your work and your workforce. ArcGIS Workforce is a mobile app that uses the power of location to coordinate your field workforce. It integrates work management to reduce reliance on paper and provides everyone with access to the authoritative data they need.

A graphic of a tablet displaying an aerial photo of a wooded area with several buildings, overlaid with labeled data for each building

Save time, save money—collect smarter

The ArcGIS system comes with many tools that can be used for data collection. ArcGIS Field Maps is an all-in-one app that uses data-driven maps to help mobile workers perform field data collection and editing, including map editing. ArcGIS Survey123 is a complete formcentric solution for creating smart surveys and forms. ArcGIS QuickCapture allows you to configure a simple UI to capture data even from a moving vehicle. Choose the app that's right for you.

A graphic of a computer monitor displaying a regional map shaded in blue and green, overlaid with a tablet and a mobile phone

Eliminate duplication, improve accuracy

Validating data in the field is easier using Esri tools such as ArcGIS Field Maps and ArcGIS Survey123. Whether working in preenumeration during demarcation validation, or validating collection, these tools can streamline your work. Send data back to the office for analysis in real time, eliminate time spent manually processing handwritten notes, and reduce time needed on Post-Enumeration Survey (PES) activities.

A graphic of a tablet displaying a bar chart and a menu of analysis options

Monitor status and performance indicators

Managing complex operations in the field can be time-consuming and costly. ArcGIS Dashboards enables users to convey information by presenting location-based analytics using intuitive and interactive data visualizations for decision-making. Visualize trends, and monitor status of the work and the workers in real time to improve outcomes.

A graphic of a computer monitor displaying a map dashboard with an aerial photo of a coastal neighborhood alongside charts and various data


Kenya National Bureau of Statistics Census

The statistics agency of Kenya deployed ArcGIS Survey123 to reduce the use of paper documents in field data collection.

Read the case study

Field data collections and operation products


Related official statistics industries

Statistics touches many parts of our lives. From policy and decision-making to electoral boundaries, public safety, and sustainability, official statistics and GIS are making our communities smarter.


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