Route Planning and Optimization

Driving higher efficiencies

A gray map with points in green, purple, and yellow, overlaid with a photo of a car dashboard screen displaying a map

Optimizing routes for the real world

Providing the right goods and services in the right place at the right time has never been so challenging. With increasing buyer expectations for faster, more transparent deliveries, it is critical that providers adopt spatially enabled route optimization software to plan the most efficient routes, identify exact delivery points, and automate the complex daily decisions. Location intelligence improves multistop routes, dynamic travel modes, route reconstruction, and ETA calculations. Using Esri route planning and route analysis software, businesses improve systemwide performance while lowering costs. 

End-to-end route planning and optimization software

Comprehensive route solvers for any scenario

Advanced route solvers are algorithms used to generate routes using network datasets, travel modes, and inputs such as number of stops and time windows. Solvers can address dozens of network restrictions and needs, including service area coverage, closest facilities, origin-destination cost matrix solver, location-allocation, and shortest path for multiple stops.

A graphic of a computer monitor displaying a road map of North America in grays and greens


Moving logistics beyond route optimization

Logistics and transportation companies use GIS software to balance the demands of customers, net-zero goals, and their bottom lines.

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Products for route planning and optimization


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