Law Enforcement Events

Discover new insights, innovative best practices, and the latest advancements in GIS technology.

Law enforcement events

April 22–25, 2025Axon Week Phoenix, Arizona
May 13–15, 2025World Police SummitDubai, United Arab Emirates
June 16–19, 2025International Association of Campus Law Enforcement AdministratorsAtlanta, Georgia
September 2025National Real Time Crime Center Association (NRTCCA)Cobb County, Georgia
September 8–12, 2025International Association of Crime AnalystsOrlando, Florida
September 23–26, 2025California Crime and Intelligence Analysts AssociationPalm Springs, California
October 2025European Association of Crime AnalystsTBD
October 18–21, 2025International Association of Chiefs of PoliceDenver, Colorado
November 2025INTERPOL General AssemblyTBD
November 18–21, 2025Milipol ParisParis, France


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