
Location intelligence for disaster preparedness and early warning

Know where a hazardous event will occur

To understand where a hazardous event will occur and how the community can best prepare to protect lives and livelihoods, requires a location-based understanding of the environment. ​Location intelligent disaster preparedness helps communities better prepare and take anticipatory action to manage hazardous events. ArcGIS provides tools and systems to monitor known hazards and forecast events, create location-specific early warning systems and alerting platforms, and identify potential shelters and safe evacuation routes.​

How GIS supports disaster preparedness

Shelter suitability and evacuation planning

Apply site suitability analysis to help communities identify and plan ideal locations for shelters and stockpiles.​ Identify and optimize safe evacuation routes through geographic, location-based knowledge of the current and impacted landscape.


Rohingya refugee emergency at a glance

UNHCR shares its story of collaboration with the local government and partners, working around the clock to support nearly 700,000 refugees with GIS.

Go to the story

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