ArcGIS StoryMaps
Use custom maps and graphics to collaborate across teams, inform leadership, and inspire the public.
Location intelligence for disaster preparedness and early warning
To understand where a hazardous event will occur and how the community can best prepare to protect lives and livelihoods, requires a location-based understanding of the environment. Location intelligent disaster preparedness helps communities better prepare and take anticipatory action to manage hazardous events. ArcGIS provides tools and systems to monitor known hazards and forecast events, create location-specific early warning systems and alerting platforms, and identify potential shelters and safe evacuation routes.
Apply site suitability analysis to help communities identify and plan ideal locations for shelters and stockpiles. Identify and optimize safe evacuation routes through geographic, location-based knowledge of the current and impacted landscape.
Combine field data collection tools with spatial analysis to develop prediction models and enable anticipatory action. Deliver community engagement tools that communicate a real-time view on the evolution of hazards and their potential threat to lives and livelihoods.
Create effective early warning systems to alert the community and other stakeholders on incoming hazards. Live data feeds, field applications, and mapping tools enable real-time monitoring and reporting.
UNHCR shares its story of collaboration with the local government and partners, working around the clock to support nearly 700,000 refugees with GIS.
A community will not be resilient unless it is risk informed and aware. We use GIS to link the community to information and resources.
Kassem Chaalan
Risk Reduction Program Manager, Lebanese Red Cross
Use custom maps and graphics to collaborate across teams, inform leadership, and inspire the public.
Make decisions, visualize trends, monitor status in real time, and inform communities with intuitive visualizations on a single screen.
Whether tracking moving assets, monitoring stationary sensors, or following social media feeds, you can analyze and show real-time data on maps.