Reducing and Mitigating Homelessness

Improve the lives of entire communities

Eliminate chronic homelessness whenever possible through sustainable housing and economic mobility policies

As one of the most pervasive stresses on local governments, mitigating homelessness requires innovative planning practices that balance immediate and long-term needs. Planners must meet policy guidelines to assess and justify changes that will serve the needs of people experiencing homelessness. As affordable housing is not enough to correct this situation, this effort includes creating opportunities for economic mobility. Planners can use GIS to positively influence the policies for those experiencing homelessness by designing communities that meet everyone’s needs.

Locate homeless populations

Locate and track concentrations of homeless populations in the community.

Determine access to services

Identify needs for and proximity to health care and other essential services.

Identify temporary housing

Analyze the best locations for temporary housing.

Allocate resources

Allocate resources optimally to people experiencing homelessness in the community.

Evaluate at-risk areas

Evaluate areas with people in the community that are at risk of becoming homeless and prioritize and site intervention programs.

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Homelessness in a Pandemic

Cities and counties use maps, apps, and dashboards to speed the delivery of shelter and services to people experiencing homelessness in this crisis.

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