Climate Education

Resources for your climate change curriculum

Climate change affects local communities. These tools and teaching resources support environmental and sustainability education.

A dry, cracked lakebed overlaid with a lily pad-dotted pond with foothills and mountains in the distance and a cloudy sky

A complete system for climate change curriculum

Climate change affects everyone and is a key factor in many course topics. Geographic information system (GIS) technology allows you to quantify and communicate climate risk and vulnerability.

Students and researchers can access ArcGIS in the lab, the field, and at home to work on projects they are passionate about. Esri’s sustainability teaching resources help you provide them with the knowledge to create resiliency plans in their future workplaces.  

A researcher wearing a hat and backpack in a lush, green area using a tablet displaying plotted data points

Use GIS to address climate change impacts


ArcGIS StoryMaps

Visualizing data to predict future coastal floods

The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), Old Dominion University, and Esri worked together to study impacts of sea level rise.

Explore the interactive story



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