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Sustainable development for a healthier future.

GIS is an essential component for Ministries of Health looking to ensure their resources for the next generation. This program provides ArcGIS technology to eligible countries who are looking to improve health outcomes.

What's included

The Global Public Health Grant Program for ministries of health and government health agencies provides access to the GIS tools needed for success. Recipients will receive the following:


  • 2 GIS Professional User Type licenses

  • 3 Creator User Type licenses

  • 5 ArcGIS Insights licenses


  • ArcGIS Spatial Analyst license

  • ArcGIS Network Analyst license

  • ArcGIS Geostatistical Analyst license


  • 2 ArcGIS Pro Standard Licenses (one for each GIS Professional License)

  • 3 ArcGIS Pro Basic licenses (one for each Creator license)

Qualified countries

This program is available to ministries of health and government health agencies in the countries listed and shown in the maps below. The software is donated for two years from the date of delivery. The program includes software updates as well as community and self-help support via the ArcGIS Resources website and Esri Community. Also included are thousands of hours of free online training (in English).

Map of Africa in dull lavender on a dark gray background with countries outlined and labeled in white

Eligible countries


* In compliance with shifting export regulations, certain countries may become ineligible.

After the grant period

After the two-year grant period, participants have the option to purchase a special low-cost software deal, ensuring that their software use is not interrupted. This access features the same software as the grant but can be purchased by multiple departments within a ministry or agency, allowing them to expand their use of geospatial tools. More information about this option will be shared with grant recipients towards the end of their two-year grant period.

Two medical professionals discussing a laptop display in a sleek modern hospital conference room

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