Environmental Health Management

Map with dots indicating environmental health data and a gloved hand collecting a sample in a body of water

Our world is a complex ecosystem of humans and their environments, with risks from deadly chemicals; contaminated air, water, and soil; and diseases. A geographic approach to environmental health management improves operational efficiencies, regulatory compliance and tracking, hazard forecasting, and environmental justice efforts to keep communities safe.

Automate monitoring to inform decisions

GIS empowers organizations with a real-time automated monitoring system for managing data and supporting critical decisions. This location-based technology integrates live data feeds and varied data sources, enables mobile data collection, and provides spatial analytics for effective environmental health management.

Environmental Health Services Dashboard with graphs

Improve efficiency and streamline workflows

GIS provides a centralized information hub for sharing environmental health management information that supports investigations, inspections, and mobilizing an informed workforce. Environmental health organizations can use GIS to integrate data systems, prioritize workflows, and improve performance and transparency.

Data explorer dashboard with maps and graphs

Move beyond basic compliance

GIS supports alignment between regulations and an agency’s organizational strategies to promote swift responses and resource allocation where it’s most needed. With customizable technology, organizations can quickly adapt to new environmental health regulations, ensuring minimal disruptions amid change.

Map of the US shaded to indicate difference across the country

Advance environmental health justice

GIS allows organizations to identify communities at risk of health disparities to mitigate adverse health outcomes. GIS incorporates social determinants of health data, tools that expose unequal resource allocation, and insights into communities facing environmental threats. Mapping and spatial analysis reveal disproportionate negative environmental impacts and aid in developing solutions for sustainable change.

Map indicating areas with environmental justice concerns

Case study

Kansas enhances environmental health with GIS

The Kansas Environmental Public Health Tracking program simplified data management to save time and improve communication with the public.

Read the case study

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